Esther 5:9 Then went Haman forth that day joyful and with a glad heart: but when Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, that he stood not up, nor moved for him, he was full of indignation against Mordecai.
10 Nevertheless Haman refrained himself: and when he came home, he sent and called for his friends, and Zeresh his wife.
11 And Haman told them of the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, and all the things wherein the king had promoted him, and how he had advanced him above the princes and servants of the king.
12 Haman said moreover, Yea, Esther the queen did let no man come in with the king unto the banquet that she had prepared but myself; and to morrow am I invited unto her also with the king.
13 Yet all this availeth me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.
14 Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him, Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high, and to morrow speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged thereon: then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet. And the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be made.
Haman was quite pleased that he was invited to this first special banquet hosted by queen Esther. Only the king and Haman had been invited to this special banquet. Haman thought he was a special person. His ego was certainly being stroked by Esther. Esther had learned how to “butter” a person up. She knew how to play nice.
Not only had Haman been given this special invitation to one banquet, but then also there was a second banquet scheduled for the next day!
As we read, there was this constant problem that interfered with Haman’s joy. He saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, and he did not rise up or move when Haman approached. Mordecai did not have respect for Haman and Haman hated him and his people, the Jews. Mordecai fuelled a fire unnecessarily and Haman took the bait readily.
Hatred will destroy you. The Bible condemns hatred for people. We are commanded to hate evil, but not people. The hatred of people is equated to murdering the person you hate. We see in our text that Haman was willing to receive counsel that would in fact murder Mordecai and put further fear into the hearts of the Jews. This murder was to be done in public and in a gruesome manner.
In verse 10 we read that Haman was capable of showing short term discipline in his life. However, when he arrived home, he called for his friends and for his wife Zeresh. He needed to vent his frustration. The problem is that he did not have good friends.
It is important to have good friends. A good friend will listen to what you think but will also give wise counsel. A good friend cannot be a “yes” man. Lost people generally choose friends who think along the same lines as they do. They cannot think outside their chosen box.
Saved people will choose friends who are saved, but saved people also have One friend Who is above all earthly friends, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. A saved person that has godly friends will have another safety net to help him or her to avoid going past a sinful thought. He or she will have another opportunity to address that sinful thought and be forgiven. Haman was a wicked man and did not have any good friends around him.
In verse 11 Haman boasted of all his accomplishments and how he was respected among people in high places. He reminded his friends and his wife of his recent promotion. In verse 12 he pointed out that queen Esther had invited him to her special banquet and only the king was invited to be at that banquet with Esther and himself. He assumed that he was recognized as a special person by queen Esther. Haman certainly thought he was in some special elite group of people. Only three people were included in this special banquet. There must have been something very important planned by Esther. He would find out that there certainly was something very special planned by Esther, but it was not along the lines that Haman would expect.
He did not know what was going on in Esther’s head and heart. He did not know that Esther was a Jewess. In verse 13 he complained that all the special treatment helped him nothing as long as he saw Mordecai the Jew sitting in the king’s gate. One man was going to cause such an emotional upheaval for this vain man. He was so full of himself that he could not stand anyone who would not see things his way. He was like many of our politicians today. They are so full of themselves that they cannot stand anyone who has a differing opinion from what they have.
We have witnessed this over the course of the past several years. The governments have developed a plot and they have steadily added to that plot to make it more secure. They have tried to pass laws that would eliminate any threat to their plot. They have the power to enforce some of those laws. They are not satisfied with the limited success they have had and are continuing to plot a plan to tighten up their grip on “truth”. They will never succeed fully, but they have gained a fair amount of success because most people have rejected God and thus they have accepted this aggression.
We are seeing a repeat of events that took place in the reign of terror initiated by Hitler. I know people do not want to see this, but look around. Hitler had his goons who did his bidding. They were willing to murder innocent people. They manufactured an enemy in the Jews and in Christians. Those were their main targets. Their manufactured enemies were not criminals. They simply believed differently. Some of the Jews were quite content to go along with Hitler’s evil plot. After their leader was taken out of the way, they tried to hide their past and they scattered into various parts of the world. They did not continue their terrorist activities but they tried to hide it.
Today the media is quite complicit with the evil that our politicians have been experimenting with. The politicians have not yet built a gallows, but they have enlisted the media to broadcast their criminal acts of arresting those who do not agree with them. They have also frozen bank accounts of some of them. That would certainly instil fear in the hearts of others. If you cannot do business you cannot survive long. A person needs to be able to purchase groceries and other essentials. If the government takes control of your finances, you are at their mercy. That is what Hitler did and that is what we have witnessed. True criminals need to be stopped, but a person that thinks differently than you do does not make him a criminal.
China has a social credit system in place that is used to control people. If you do as they say, you get money for certain things. If you do not comply with their rules, you face punishment. That plan has already been hinted at for Canada. The “great reset” was announced by our P.M. some years back. That plan states that we, the citizens will own nothing and be happy. In order for their plan to succeed, they need to control the information that we receive. The truth must be silenced. Where does truth come from? God is the God of truth. True churches speak truth. The governments already have some of the churches in their back pocket, but there are other false churches who have not bowed to the oppressive regime yet. There are a few true churches that will not bow, but others will be broken down over time.
In verse 14 we read that Haman’s wife, had an idea. His friends were also in agreement with this plan. The plan was to get a gallows made of fifty cubits high. A fifty cubit high gallows would be about seventy five feet in our measurements. Zeresh and the others wanted this gallows to be visible from quite a distance. They wanted Haman to invest heavily in his plan to murder Mordecai. This symbol was to speak clearly of how Haman would take care of his enemies.
Zeresh and Haman’s friends further suggested that he go and talk to the king the next day, prior to the banquet he was invited to, and get permission from the king to hang Mordecai on this gallows he was having built.
We see the cold heartedness of these people. One moment they were telling Haman to prepare the gallows and then get special permission from the king to eliminate one of his greatest enemies; and then after achieving a positive response to that request, he should just go to this special banquet that the queen had prepared for himself and the king.
Haman was pleased with this counsel. He was a blood-thirsty man and had no problem with making up a fictitious charge against a man he hated. He would not allow his plot for murder to affect his ability to go to this special banquet.
Fear is a great motivator. Haman was interested in killing one man in this highly visible manner. That would be all that was needed to instil a fear into the hearts of all the Jews. It would also give incentive to the Gentiles to go after the Jews. Life would have been very dangerous for the Jews, if Haman’s plot would have succeeded, even leading up to the date Haman had concocted for their slaughter.
During the Wuhan virus affair, the governments of our country encouraged people to be snitches on their neighbours. People were encouraged to spy on and report any meetings being held that they did not like. Churches were particularly targeted. We were lied to by suggestions that we could kill grandma or little Johnny or Susie if we did not protect ourselves.
Government meetings were still being held. There was no real danger. When they were caught, they had excuses and it was all dismissed. However, other groups had fines and court cases. When the courts did not obey the whims of the ungodly politicians, the media was dissuaded from covering the cases. The governments did not want to be embarrassed. They needed to go back into their planning rooms to plot a more successful take over of society. Stay tuned, there is more to come. They are not done yet.
Unlike the approach of Mordecai and Esther in our study, we need to turn to God for help. We need to know Him and put our trust in Him. He will not eliminate all the trouble now, but He will show us the way to continue to be successful at the task He has for us. His name will be exalted and those who choose to know and follow Him will also be privileged to be able to help others to know the truth. That is what is needed. Thousands have already plunged into hell. Many more are headed that same way. If we truly care about people, we will want to make sure they understand the seriousness of the situation and that they know the way of blessing. Manufactured blessings are not real. They fall apart. God’s blessings are real and they are eternal. Be sure you have the facts and that you follow the truth.
Pastor Bartel