Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.
6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
God has a much different view of human population than man does. We are being told by certain sectors that the world has a population crisis. There are those who want to drastically reduce the population of the world. Of course they do not want to be eliminated. They want others to be removed. We have MAID which is a “friendlier” term for government assisted murder. We also have “safe injection sites” where people can go and try to kill themselves with drugs that are deadly. We also have a government funded program of seeking to destroy lives with shots that they are trying to force on all, even though the evidence shows them to be very dangerous.
The Bible tells us that during the time of the Tribulation there will be a large number of people killed by various judgments of God as well as by the evil directives of the antichrist.
Noah lived at a time when things had been very wicked. God destroyed the majority of humanity with a world wide flood. The animal world suffered loss at that time as well. The entire world was changed due to that flood.
Now Noah was commanded to replenish the earth. God intended the earth to have many people living on it. Even though the topography and the climate of the earth was drastically changed by the flood, the earth would still be able to sustain a large human and animal population. The flatulence of cows are not a danger to earth or to mankind. The wickedness of man is a danger to earth and to mankind.
In verse 2 we see that the animals would have a fear of man. There was a stark division made between the animals and mankind. There always was a difference between animals and man. Man was also told he can eat the animals and the birds. God did not tell man to be a vegetarian. He did not tell man that eating meat is animal cruelty or unhealthy for man. Verse 3 gives us further instructions regarding this.
In verse 4 we are reminded that we are not to eat the blood of the animals. The animal needs to be properly killed and bled out before it is eaten. Blood sausage would also be against God’s will. Certain cultures have chosen to defy God and have accepted pagan practices rather than learn of God and follow His way.
Noah was a child of God and he was being given instructions regarding how to live in obedience to God’s will.
In verses 5-6 God taught Noah of the importance of the respect for life. Animals that kill a human being need to be killed. An animal that chooses to kill a man will go after another man as well. There are some animals that are meat eaters and they do not discern between killing an animal or killing a man. God would give further instruction on this later to the nation of Israel. Suffice it to say that God gave man some protection here against being overwhelmed by the more vicious animals of our world. Man can hunt and kill and eat animals. Certain animals are more vicious than others. The grizzly bear is not a bear to play with. Generally they have a fear of man, but if a person wants to taunt the grizzly, they will find a formidable foe that will kill them.
In verse 6 God instituted capital punishment. We live in a country that despises God’s law and has forbidden capital punishment. Violent criminals are locked up for a time at great cost to the taxpayer. Other violent criminals commit crimes because they know their punishment will be less than that which they inflicted on their enemy.
The authorities claim that capital punishment does not work and is cruel. A violent criminal who is put to death by the state in accordance with God’s law will never attack another person. We know there is corruption within our justice system. Sometimes innocent people are falsely accused and high paid lawyers and police will at times wrongly encourage the wrong person to be punished. The solution to that problem is not to reject God’s law. It is to enforce God’s law. Those who want to abuse proper justice need to be dealt with by the proper authorities.
The problem we are facing is that the majority of our authority figures are ungodly people who do not have the fear of God in their hearts and thus, they refuse to walk with God and they refuse to seek justice.
Noah was instructed by God, as to how humanity was to conduct itself. Noah needed to teach his family this and this was also written down for all generations to know what God expects. When we follow God’s way we will be able to live peaceable lives. When we reject God’s ways, we will find ourselves living in a more violent society all the time. Of course the only way to follow God’s way is to know Him first of all. Without God’s salvation, man cannot follow God’s way.
Law abiding people now need to lock their doors and remove their keys from their vehicles. Criminals can break in and steal and they receive light sentences that allow them to continue their violent lifestyles.
Again, when we know the LORD, as Noah did, we do not need to live in fear of others. When we choose to reject God, there is no telling what the next criminal act will be and who will be affected by it.
Born again Christians do not live a life of violence. They are an asset to any society. When we accept the lies of the New Evangelical crowd, we do not see the blessing of being born again. We see professing “Christians” behaving in violent ways just like those who do not profess to be saved.
As we look at God’s Word, we can differentiate between truth and lies. We need to follow God’s way in order to know His peace.
Pastor Bartel