Psalm 71:1 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.
2 Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
3 Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.
4 Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.
5 For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.
Psalm 71:14 But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.
Life offers us many teachable moments. Nothing happens by mistake or by accident. God is never thrown off guard by anything that anyone does. He uses the failures of man to show us that our only hope is in knowing Him. Knowing Him cannot be a superficial thing. Those who have a superficial relationship with the Lord will find themselves lacking when trouble comes.
This week I received a text urging me to listen to a report recorded by a well known Dr. from England. He had interviewed a man from the U.S. who has a regular blog. This interview was related to the events of the past three years and the shots, all of which is part of the global one world plan. He spoke of the WEF and the influence that this organization has.
In this report, the Dr. and the man speaking both agreed that the world leaders have chosen to be bumps on a log and just go along with whatever Klaus Schwab and his cohorts want. The speaker suggested that we need to organize and take back our freedoms.
I had already seen the report previously, but in the text I received, was urged to send it to every politician that I could. I suppose the texter sent that same message to others as well. The speaker in the report stated that if those who heard his message did not send it out to everyone they knew, they were guilty of censorship. I thought that was quite a stretch.
The Dr. who recorded the interview then had the audacity to misquote some verses from Ezekiel to suggest that if we do not act according to their plan on this report, then we have blood on our hands. It was quite an abuse of God’s Word, to say the least.
The context of Ezekiel’s words has to do with the proclamation of God’s Word. Ezekiel was raised up by God to warn the rebellious house of Judah and Israel. Idolatry was running rampant in his time. He was a contemporary to Daniel. He was directed by God to address the sins in Israel, while Daniel was directed to address the needs of the Babylonian and the Medo/Persian empire.
It is interesting that people think that their secular message is an imperative, but these same people do not want to know the truth.
Manitoba held an “election” this week. We have some new people in leadership now, but we have the same corrupt philosophies governing us. Those who are saved need to understand that the hope of man is not in politicians. They are corrupt. It would be good to see some of them get saved, however the system is corrupt. It is not going to change. If there were some godly politicians they could have a godly influence on their cohorts. However, there is no evidence of any godly influence in our governments at any level. I have heard that there are some regular prayer meetings on Parliament hill, but I have not heard any politician standup and renounce the assault on our children that is currently being promoted. There is no voice of reason regarding the murder of unborn children. There has been no clear rebuttal of the vast overreach of the governments over the past three years. They are all too consumed with keeping their jobs and keeping their big pay checks. They are “just doing their jobs.”
We are not going to see a revival and a massive turning to God. There are many false gods and there is a searching for false gods, but few are interested in what God has to say.
Rather than sending out a report given by a secular man who had some interesting things to say, God’s Word is what needs to be proclaimed. That is the hope of man. That is what the Psalmist understood.
We are not told who the Psalmist is in this Psalm. We know that God is the author. God directed the writer to declare that his trust was in the LORD. He then prayed that he would never be put to confusion. If a person trusts in the LORD, he will never be put to confusion. There is no need to be ashamed or disappointed when we truly trust in the Lord. Those who put their trust in man will be left hanging many times. Even when someone is telling the truth regarding some secular thing, the establishment does not care.
Our government recently passed a bill to stifle free speech. Their goal is to keep the truth away from people. They have decided that they are the arbiters of truth and if they do not like something, then it is not true.
The Bible shows us that the way to counter this oppressive nature is through the bold proclamation of God’s Word. Most people do not want to hear that, but that is their problem. God does not tell us to find some other message, just because people do not want to hear the truth. Sometimes God writes a person or a group of people off. He lets them grovel in the mud for a time prior to their death and eternal doom.
That is God’s business. Our business is to listen to Him and to know Him and to proclaim His name and His Word to lost and dying people. It is also to encourage the saints to see the relevance and power of God’s Word.
The apostle Paul was considered to be mad when standing before Festus. Peter and John were considered to be ignorant and unlearned when proclaiming the truth in Acts 4. The apostles did not abandon the truth just because it caused trouble for them. They did not become silent because people did not want to hear the truth. They did not look for some secular angle to use instead of God’s Word.
I would rather proclaim the truth and leave the results in God’s hands. Over the past three years we have seen ample evidence that our leaders have their minds made up. They are not interested in any truth, secular or Biblical. However, God has declared that His Word is powerful. It can smash the unbelief that a person has built upon. It can strengthen the saints and give them a boldness that is not common.
As we speak the truth, we too will echo with the Psalmist that our hope is in the Lord GOD. We see that the Psalmist had been building on the truth from his youth. What a great blessing that is. He further stated that he would hope continually and he would praise the LORD more and more. That is what counts. The more His child praises Him, the more encouraged His child will be in Him. Paul and Silas sang praises at midnight. They had been beaten and were bloody and sore. They were locked in stocks with no one to care for their wounds. Yet they were singing praises to God. God sent an earthquake that not only shook the prison, but it shook the hard heart of the jailor. He wanted to kill himself at first. However, God directed Paul to cry out to him. That jailor jumped into prison and wanted to know what he needed to do to be saved. He knew what his need was. He knew that because Paul’s message was the inspired Word of God. That Word spoke to the jailor’s heart and when he finally realized his need, he knew where to run. Rather than killing himself and going to hell, he was gloriously saved and ministered to the needs of the apostle Paul and Silas. His family was saved as well. They saw the power of God at work and they knew they needed to bow before Him.
The officials of our day need to hear the power of God proclaimed in their ears. They certainly won’t hear that at the WEF or in Parliament. They should hear it from those who are God’s people.
That is the hope of man. That is the message we should never grow tired of. We need to believe that God’s Word is powerful and even if we do not see the results we want to see immediately, we can know that His Word is powerful. We can rest in the true God if we serve Him faithfully.
Pastor Bartel