Hebrews 6:13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,
14 Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.
15 And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
God continues to contrast Himself with finite man. Our medical people (they cannot be called professionals), have been caught flat footed and red-handed. They have been promoting 2 shots and then the “booster” as the ticket to freedom. They have declared passports are required to enter certain businesses, etc. You cannot work in certain skilled fields if you do not have the jabs.
The irony is that one of the traps they set for themselves has to do with the Museum Of Human Rights. First they stated you were not allowed to enter that building, which is supposed to expose the human rights abuses of the past, unless you had the jabs. Now apparently no one is allowed into that building until at least February 1. The government knows they have no science to support their foolish and evil plans, but they are too invested in it and too proud to be willing to admit they were wrong. I believe some of them know full well what they are doing and they continue to believe the common people are so gullible that they will never figure out the sham. It appears they have made a fairly accurate assessment in that area. If it were not for the seriousness of the situation, it would be laughable. Fear is still crippling the majority of the citizens.
In the midst of the continuing shenanigans, it is important to know that there is only one way out of this mess. The God of creation is the answer. It is not enough to have a head knowledge of Him. There is a need to know Him personally and walk with Him faithfully. Too many professing Christians have proven themselves to be no wiser than those who do not make any claim to know Him. God knows all things and He gives discernment to those who know Him and walk with Him. We do not need to jump into the heresies of the charismatics. We just need to walk humbly with God and allow Him to lead us as we patiently follow Him.
In verse 13 of our text God tells us there is no higher authority than He, Himself. It would be good if our police and doctors and governments would recognize that. There are many religious groups that do not even realize that. God’s promise to Abraham was sure. That was not the problem. God knew His Word was sure. It always is. Abraham is the one who needed to put his trust in the true God.
God is not contradicting Himself when He chose to swear by His name. It is His name. He owns it and He can use His name to affirm what He says. You and I cannot make one hair white or black. Yes people dye their hair, but the root still comes back as it was. Apparently those who subject themselves to the dyes used, are allowing poisons to enter their system. It is amazing how much abuse our bodies can take and still function relatively well.
Abraham could have complete confidence in God. Those saints in the first century could have full confidence in God. Today as well, those who know the Lord can have full confidence in Him. Those who choose to trust in our incompetent and God-defiant system are finding the cost of that is far greater than they had bargained for. We have just begun down this precarious road of Russian roulette and we are already discovering too many live shells in the gun.
God promised Abraham that He would bless him, and He would cause his seed to multiply. God proved that He is in charge of conception. Abraham and Sarah thought they needed to help God to fulfill His plan but it did not work. After Abraham and Sarah were well past child-bearing age, God fulfilled His promise to them. Abraham and Sarah understood this child was a special gift from God.
In verse 15 we see that Abraham needed to learn patience. God was not late. Abraham thought He was. Sarah thought so as well and she convinced Abraham to sin to fulfil God’s promise. That is an interesting concept. To think that a person can sin against God to fulfil God’s will. God does not need our help.
We see here that the life of the child of God is a daily walk. It is not a charismatic demand this and shout victory over there and ignore or even bury the many inconsistencies in that false system. Abraham needed to trust God even when the promise was not in his hand. God’s Word is true because it is true, not because we get some particular evidence in hand. Because Abraham learned to trust God and wait on Him, God could bless him with the promised seed. God would not accept Ishmael as a substitute for His promise. He did not accept Eleazar as a substitute either. God made a promise and He proved to Abraham that He is completely trustworthy.
Verse 15 shows us that God needs to prepare His child to receive His promises. His promises are very precious.
Genesis 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
Not only was it important for Abraham to know the Almighty God. Isaac would need to know Him as well as the rest of the nation. God often pointed Israel back to Abraham as He taught them. Israel too often ignored and even rejected God’s truth. Israel is in their land today, but they are also facing constant threats. They are also being taxed to the max to try to stay ahead of the enemy plans. It did not need to be that way if they would trust God.
Christians today have this same Almighty God. We are promised rest from our labours. We need to learn to walk with patience in the true God and trust Him to fulfill His will according to His Word. Those who will know the true God and learn to walk with patience will be blessed of Him in ways that others who know Him, but do not walk with patience in Him cannot be blessed.
Pastor Bartel