Psalm 8:1 O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.
3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:
7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;
8 The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
It is important to know the true God. The Psalmist, stated to be David, had a living relationship with the LORD. He knew Him as Jehovah God. Thus he knew Him as the self-existent God who did not need permission from man nor was He hindered by man. David knew this when he confronted Goliath when no other Hebrew was willing to fight against him. He knew this when he was fleeing from king Saul and had the opportunity to kill him twice but refused to do so.
David also knew the LORD as “our Lord” which refers to Him as the Sovereign, and the One in control. He did not understand everything that was happening in his life, but he knew he could trust God and only God.
It is important to have this vital relationship with the true God. So many people live in rejection of this true God. Some have been hurt in the past by someone who claimed to know the true God, but did not live in accordance with His will. That experience, however traumatic it may have been, is no reason to reject the true God. In fact that experience should drive you to seek to know Who the true God is. Could He really be as corrupt as that person or those people claim Him to be?
We notice in verse 2 that even young children prove the greatness of the true God. When we look at that precious young child and we see how wonderfully that child is made and how that child can learn so many new things in a very short time, it should cause us to realize the Creator, God. That is not an accident of chance. There is a designer behind that child. Most parents never stop to take note of that fact.
That small child is enough to cause God’s enemies to cease from their attacks. Now we know, that physically that is not necessarily true. However, spiritually that can be true. If you are a saved person, you can reject the attacks against your faith as you lean upon the true God and follow Him. King David learned this in his life. He sometimes found himself alone in his walk with the true God. However, he knew that spiritually, he was never alone. When he went against Goliath, he did not have the support of the king, nor of his brothers. The king accepted his offer to go against Goliath, but he had no confidence that he would win against him. David went against that giant and declared that he was coming to him in the name of the LORD of hosts.
In verse 3 we see the importance of taking the time to observe our surroundings. David knew that the heavens were the work of this LORD. The devil has tried to obscure this fact with his lies of evolution. It is important to remember that there is a Designer that made all things. We certainly do appreciate the moon and the stars. God put them in their places. They remain there because God placed them there.
In the light of these wonders, David was directed to write about man. What is man, in relation to the heavens? It should cause us to worship the true God when we stop to consider our place in God’s creation. We are made a little lower than the angels. We do not live in the heavens. We do not have the same role as the angels. Yet God has crowned us with glory and honour. God gave man dominion over much of His Creation. How interesting that God has entrusted man with being in charge of so much of His Creation. We can dig into the ground and mine the minerals and take the oil. We can cut down the trees for lumber. We can till the ground and benefit from the riches of the minerals that God has in the soil. We can breathe His air and we can fly in planes and we can use planes to destroy others. We can go fishing and enjoy the waters. There are many blessings that God has given man. Without Him we would not be here and we would not have these many blessings. It is amazing how the earth and the heavens rejuvenate themselves in spite of the many ways man has been a poor steward of what God gave us.
We know that the “climate change” kooks do not understand, nor care to understand the true God. They are using their hoax to try to gain control of humanity. They know that Nazism failed in its original form. They know that communism has failed in its original forms. However, there are always men and women who want to take control of others people’s lives. They do not know the Lord, but they want to be lord over others. True saints want to help others to see the blessings of knowing and serving the true LORD.
Man has the privilege of using the animals for his benefit. We take the wool from the sheep and make clothing to keep us warm. We can use the oxen and other beasts to pull equipment. We benefit from the milk of the cow and the meat of many different animals. We can use the fur of the animals to keep us warm as well.
Of course secular man wants to ban the use of animal leather and is trying to invent man-made materials instead. Even in that, man is using materials that God has given us to try to make things that he can then boast of making.
Without God we have nothing and we are nothing.
David ended this Psalm by again reminding us of this same LORD our Lord, and how excellent His name is in all the earth. It is important to note His power and authority. It is important to know Him as your personal God today. It is well worth your time to stop and consider the true LORD today. Take a King James Bible and just read Genesis 1& 2. Look up into the sky and notice the magnificence of what you see. Listen to the birds singing. Think about the snow, if you live in a colder climate. Look at how the light glistens off of those flakes. Think about how one part of the earth can be cold and yet another part is so warm, all at the same time. One part has to find a way to heat houses and cars, while the other part is looking for ways to stay a little cooler.
Think of the meals you eat every day. Where does all that food come from? Think of how many generations of people have lived and eaten off this same earth. Think of how short a time the things you cherish last, and compare that to what God has made. Think of how you may have abused something you own and had to replace it and yet the earth and the heavens have been around for some 6,000 years and are still functioning remarkably well!.
I know there are too many who have drank the kool-aide and believe our world is billions of years old. Many have already discovered how foolish they were in believing that lie. They are regretting that but it is too late for them. Today, you can accept the truth and you can rejoice in the excellent name of the LORD our Lord. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Your life will be changed for the better as you take a right approach to the true God before Whom you will stand one day soon!
Pastor Bartel