Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
26 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
27 Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.
28 For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.
Verse 25 is the whole point of God’s argument. We need a Saviour. Cain tried to develop his own religion. God rejected it. The people of Noah’s day had their own religion. God rejected that as well. Nimrod had his religion and God rejected that. Man has a desire for religion. He has a desire to connect with deity. He knows his life is not what it should be. He has no means of fixing the problem.
In eternity past God had established the Saviour for mankind. He presented Him at just the right moment in time. Those who turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ are saved to the uttermost. They do not need to look for something more or something else to appease the “gods”. They can be forgiven and they can be at peace with God and thus with themselves.
We are living in a time when many youth have no purpose for life. All they have is social media and that does not satisfy. They get into drugs and other forms of self-harm and that does not satisfy. Too many end up taking their own lives, but that does not solve their problem either. What man needs is a Saviour. Man needs a way to know God’s peace.
You notice here that Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and man. The phrase “that come unto
God by Him”, tells us this. We need a way to approach a holy God. He is holy and we are not. We see as well that Jesus Christ is the everlasting Saviour. He ever liveth. What is He doing? He is making intercession for all those who come to God by Him. Jesus Christ is never too busy to intercede for anyone who comes to God by Him. We have a great Saviour. This message is so needful today and yet man is not looking for this message. Romans 3 tells us that. Thus there is a great need for devotionals such as these. There is a great need for true local churches and there is a great need to invite people to attend true local churches.
In verse 26 we see further the nature of this High Priest. He is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners. It is important for us to take note of these descriptive words regarding Jesus Christ. Too many religions want to make Jesus like man. They want Him to be that cool dude who loves their rock music or their tattoos or whatever other evil thing they want to do. What would be the purpose of such a Saviour?
This week there was the news of the death of a rocker called “meatloaf”. The description given of this man showed that he was a wicked man. Apparently he had a large following. It is tragic that this man died and is in torment today and for all eternity. He has not been able to help one single person. He could not even help himself. It does not matter which rocker a person wants to follow after, they are all a great detriment to any and all people.
God offers us a Saviour. A holy Saviour Who is not a sinner. A Saviour Who is harmless. He will never lead anyone to get a tattoo or get into drugs or alcohol or any other sin. It is certainly safe to listen to God and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Jesus Christ is made higher than the heavens. It is foolish to worship heaven. It is foolish to follow astrology and think that the stars or constellations are your salvation. Those who enjoy Chinese food would be wise never to read the little sayings stuck into their “fortune” cookies. Those are deceptive sayings. They are not innocent things to read and laugh at.
I Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
In verse 27 we are reminded that Jesus Christ did not need to make daily sacrifices for His own sins. He also does not need to make daily sacrifices for the sins of the people. He made one sacrifice. He went to the cross once. He did not take a bullock to that cross. He went to the cross Himself. He laid down His life for the sheep on that cross. God has made it abundantly clear that Jesus Christ is THE Saviour. There is none other. He is worthy to be THE SAVIOUR! It is important to know Him and to encourage others to turn to Him as well.
In verse 28 we see that the law made high priests of men who were sinners. Aaron led the people in making a golden calf and of worshipping that calf. He caused the people to become naked in their pursuit of worship of that pagan god. All of the human priests were sinners. They did not all lead the people into idolatry, but they were all sinners.
However, by an oath, God made His Son the eternal High Priest. This is by a decree and it is an eternal Priesthood. He is consecrated for evermore and He is ever living to make intercession for all those who come to God by Him.
There is no need to go through life without hope and purpose. The wise person gives God His rightful place and then allows God to show him where He would have him serve Him. That is where the true rewards are. That is how true progress is made, rather than the spinning of the wheels and getting nowhere fast.
Pastor Bartel