Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Today is called Jerusalem Day in Israel. The name “Jerusalem” is found in 767 verses, 814 times, in the Bible. It was conquered under the rule of king David. The Jebusites occupied that city for a number of years prior to that time. It was the city chosen by God as His capital city. God chose to put His temple in that city. It was also called Zion in 153 verses, particularly in relation to prophecy. Interestingly the name “Zion” means “parched place”. That would certainly be in accordance with God’s Word in Psalm 127:
Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
Today, the Jews celebrate Jerusalem Day because in June of 1967 the IDF Paratroopers liberated Jerusalem, their most holy city, at the site of Kotel (the Western wall). This liberation took place during the Six Day War of 1967. The Arabs were invading Israel and their media was broadcasting how they were winning and Israel was being defeated. However, their media was wrong and God did not allow the Arabs to gain territory in Israel. During that war Israel was able to gain control of the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Jerusalem. It was a great day in the history of the nation of Israel.
Since that time, Israel has given away some of the land that God gave them at that time. Israel’s history is interesting. God chose Abraham and promised to make a great nation out of him. God promised to bless nations because of him. God also warned those who would dare to curse Israel. He would curse them. Currently this curse rests upon Canada and the U.S. as well as many other nations. It is never a good thing to be under the curse of God.
In the Old Testament, we know that God chose Jerusalem as His capital city. He chose that city as the place where His temple would dwell. He blessed Solomon with wisdom and with wealth to be able to build that temple. There has never been a building that has been as magnificent as that temple. It was magnificent not just because of its physical appearance, but primarily because God chose to fill that temple with His glory. Jesus referred to it as “my Father’s house.”
During the Old Testament history, we know that various kings would strip the gold off of parts of that building and give it to the enemies of God as tribute money. They would rob God in order to try to find peace with their enemies. They did not realize that their greatest enemy was themselves. They would never had needed to strip one flake of gold from that building if they would have honoured God.
It is sad that as the nation celebrates this day, today, they still do not acknowledge the true God as their God. It was God who granted them the success they had in June of 1967. Those paratroopers were protected by Him and the Arabs could not take the land because God said “NO”.
As is the case in most places now, the Israeli media is down playing the successes that Israel is making now in the Gaza strip and in Lebanon. They do not want the people of Israel to celebrate their victories. A nation that cannot be proud of its achievements cannot stand. The difference in Israel is that God has declared that people as His people. He will not allow Israel to be destroyed because that would show Him to be unfaithful.
God does not need man to exalt Him. He chose to make man in His image. He chose to make one nation that did not exist prior to the days of Abraham. He chose to give them a homeland. He chose to set up a government system that would be the envy of the world. He gave them the Ten Commandments and many other laws. They were all for their benefit.
Israel chose to squander all that God blessed them with. Today, they have some 3,000 police officers, security forces and volunteers to try to secure this event. None of this would be necessary if Israel would walk in the fear of the Lord.
Our opening verse speaks of the sorrow of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as He viewed Jerusalem shortly before His crucifixion. He came to this earth to present Himself as their Messiah. He came to lay down His life for the Jews and the Gentiles. He came as the Prince of Peace, but He was rejected by the majority of the Jews.
We, those who are saved, need to continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It is a city in self-inflicted turmoil today. There will be dancing in the streets and much noise, but what is needed is repentance and salvation. Jesus is still offering to take them under His wings as a hen takes her chicks.
Today there are many chicks that are taken from their mothers before they even hatch. They are hatched out in incubators and then put under special lights to keep them warm. Those young chicks will crowd together because that is what they would do under the care of their mothers. If the producers are not careful, there will be some chicks that get trampled and smothered as they seek to find that warmth that their fragile bodies need.
There are many Jews and Gentiles today who have tried to substitute the “mother hen” for their artificial religious activities. They too cannot find the satisfaction their souls long for. They stubbornly continue on that way.
Jesus Christ is still offering His peace and blessing to both Jew and Gentile. If you are reading this, but do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, why not turn to God today and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone as your Saviour. He will bless you with what your soul is longing for.
Pastor Bartel