Love Thy Neighbour

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Love Thy Neighbour

Love Thy Neighbour

Romans 13:7  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
8  Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
9  For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
10  Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Those who are saved need to be good citizens of this world. We need to pay our taxes and we need to pay for permits when needed. We need to honour those who are worthy of honour. There is a certain honour that belongs only to God. No one is worthy of worship other than God. All people should recognize God’s authority and God’s blessings. Referring to “mother nature” is certainly not honouring God.
In verse 8 Christians are told to guard their relationships. We need to be careful that we honour our word. We should not make promises we cannot keep. If we borrow money or some other thing, we need to be sure to pay it back or return the borrowed item in as good a shape as it was when we borrowed it. If we break it we need to repair it orreplace it. We need to have a good testimony and that applies to how we treat others. We need to love one another. Loving one another means we cannot take advantage of them. We see here that if we love another person we have fulfilled the law. It is not natural to love another person as God demands here. As we noted in previous devotionals, we do not love people when we withhold the truth from them. We do not love them when we follow ungodly dictates rather than following God.
In verse 9 Paul was directed to list several laws. We have looked at adultery before. God brought that into the picture here again. Marriage is a very important doctrine of God. It is something that should be entered into with much prayer and wise counsel. I know that was not the case for me when I was seeking to get married. I was very ignorant of the facts. I am thankful that God protected me in spite of my ignorance. We have come through 50 years of marriage. God has blessed us. Marriage is a picture of God’s gift of salvation. That is a most precious gift. It is a gift that provides eternal life. Marriage is to be a picture of that. Marriage will take work on the part of both husband and wife to make it work properly. Of course salvation is required for a good marriage. Faithfulness in a good church is also important for a good marriage. We need a Biblical understanding of love.
God also mentioned murder in this context. We have mentioned before the number of babies that are murdered every year. Some news media were cheering the fact that France has apparently put the right to abortion into their constitution. That is nothing to cheer about. That is a disaster. Mr. Biden promised that if they win the house after the next election, he will make sure that Roe v Wade is brought back and protected. The murder of unborn children is a blot upon any society. There are many other forms of killing as well. Capital punishment is not murder. It is part of God’s law. Christians must not be guilty of murder.
Stealing is another law God brought in here. We need to work for what we need, not go and steal it. There is much deceit used in many business dealings. We know of a company that does work for other companies, but some of those other companies do not want to pay for the work done. That is stealing. If you cannot afford to pay for something, then don’t ask for it.
Lying is also quite common among mankind. Adam was the first liar, but he is not the last liar. Every person has told many lies. Many people have redefined lying, but God has not changed the definition of a lie. To bear false witness is to lie. That is common among politicians and car salesmen. It is also common among lawyers. In truth it is all too common for mankind in general. Christians cannot be known as liars. When we lie, we need to confess it and correct it. We need to pray and ask God to keep us from being false witnesses.
Covetousness is to desire something that does not belong to you or is forbidden for you. Achan coveted some of the things he saw in Jericho. He took them and hid them in his tent. He stole from God. Covetousness will lead to theft. It is an inordinate desire for things.
God directed Paul to write that all other commandments are bound up in the one commandment: “thou shalt love love they neighbour as thyself.” We know there is much abuse in the world. People doing drugs or getting tattoos or murdering an unborn child or other evils. However, those who are saved need to love their neighbour as themselves. Think of how you want to be treated. Treat your neighbour the same way. Rather than trying to take advantage of them, show them respect. Help them to know the love of God as well.
In verse 10 we see that love does not try to harm ones neighbour. Love seeks to be a good neighbour. A Christian neighbour does not need to go to his unsaved neighbour and sit down and have a beer with him. That is not love. That is actually hate. The Bible is clear that alcoholic drink is forbidden by God. That lost neighbour needs to see how a God-fearing man lives. He needs to see the blessing that comes from knowing the true God.
A godly neighbour will seek to help his neighbour see the importance of knowing the true God. He will show respect for his neighbour. There are many ways we can show genuine love for our neighbours. The greatest of these is to look for opportunities to speak to them about the Lord. Pray for wisdom and for boldness in being willing to help them to see the blessing of knowing God’s forgiveness.
Paul stated that in loving our neighbour we fulfil the law. Jesus taught that our neighbour is not just the people that live right around us. He taught that the person we meet in our travels or at work is also our neighbour. If we see a person in need and we have the ability to help them, we need to do so. We have talked before about the welfare state. Those who are lazy and do not want to work, do not need more handouts. That is not being a good neighbour. God will give His children good discernment in these things. We need to listen to Him and honour Him.
Pastor Bartel

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