Peace Is In God’s Domain

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Peace Is In God’s Domain

Peace Is In God’s Domain

Zechariah 10:7  And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the LORD.
8  I will hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased.
9  And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and turn again.
10  I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and place shall not be found for them.
11  And he shall pass through the sea with affliction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up: and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away.
12  And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the LORD.

Ephraim was one of the tribes of Israel. He was the second son of Joseph. Ephraim was also used at times to speak of the northern tribes of Israel. Ephraim did not have a good history in the nation of Israel. They seemed to be known for their rebellion, rather than for obedience to the LORD. However, there is a day coming when Ephraim will rejoice in the Lord. No one should assume that God is condoning drunkenness here. Rather He is talking of those who are walking in the fear of the LORD and can rejoice in the LORD. That is a true rejoicing. There is no mind-altering drug involved. It is a change of heart that causes the recipients to be able to rejoice in the LORD.
The hissing mentioned in verse 8 speaks of the LORD calling for them as someone who whistles for someone to come. We see that in the next phrase. The LORD will gather the people together. He will have redeemed the nation. Israel is partially back in their land now. However, the nation has not been redeemed. That is very evident in the wickedness that they promote, whether that be the promotion of sodomy or the idolatry that was evident prior to the latest invasion by Hamas.
God cannot condone that. However, He will change their hearts and they will increase in number at that time as well.
In verse 9 we read of the peace that Israel will know then. They will dwell among the people but they will not need to fear for their lives. There are calls right now for Jews to move back to the land of Israel. Antisemitism is on the rise and countries like the U.S. and England and Canada cannot guarantee the safety of the Jews. They are more concerned about being politically correct than of pleasing the LORD.
When the Lord Jesus Christ rules, the Jews will be protected. They will be respected as well. People all over the world will be reminded of Who the true God is at that time.
In verse 10 we see the promise of Israel being brought out of the land of Egypt once again. They will also be brought out of Assyria. Egypt was not a friend of Israel in Bible times. There was a short window when Jacob and his family lived in peace there. However, that soon changed. Egypt is also a picture of the world and of sin. Israel is steeped in worldliness at this time. However, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to establish His kingdom, they will acknowledge Him as their Messiah and King.
Lebanon is an enemy of Israel at this time. There was a time, during the reign of David and Solomon, that Israel had a friendly relationship with Lebanon. The Bible speaks of the cedars of Lebanon. Israel will be in charge of Lebanon and Gilead in the time of the Millennium. Gilead is currently occupied by the Jordanians. That will change. Israel will be so safe and so blessed that they will increase in number so much that the land will hardly be able to bear them all.
In verse 11 we read that the Assyrians and the Egyptians will no longer be enemies of Israel. God will punish them and bring them down. Things will be different when the Lord rules. It will be as it could have been in the past. It is Israel’s constant rebellion against the LORD that has caused them so much trouble.
In verse 12 we see that even those nations that were once the enemy of the LORD, will now be changed and they will walk up and down and acknowledge the true God. Things will be much different during the Millennium than they are now, or than they have ever been. King David experienced some of the best time that Israel had known. Solomon squandered that and the nation never came back to where God wanted them to be. Eventually they were sent into exile. The Assyrians conquered the northern 10 tribes and the Babylonians conquered the southern 2 tribes. That too will not be the case in the Millennium.
All the fighting we read about in Israel today will cease. All the tunnels in Gaza will be gone. There will be no Hamas or Hezbollah. There will be no Iranian attacks against God’s people. As we have mentioned many times, Israel is struggling now because of their constant rebellion against God. He is granting them some protection, but they are living in fear. They are having to spend human lives and resources to try to keep the enemy at bay. They cannot destroy them. They talk of ISIS being destroyed in the past and now Hamas has risen up. ISIS was never destroyed. They just morphed into Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel will not know true peace until they bow before the Prince of Peace.
This is a reminder to the Gentile world as well. We will never know peace unless we bow before the Prince of Peace as our Lord and Saviour. Individuals can know God’s peace now. However, as a nation peace is an illusive dream because of the wickedness that is dominant in our lands.
God’s Word constantly reminds us that He is the Author and Provider of peace. Peace can only come when a person humbles themself and trusts in the true God. That is the way of blessing.
Pastor Bartel

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