The Blessing of a Purged Conscience

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The Blessing of a Purged Conscience

The Blessing of a Purged Conscience

Hebrews 9:13  For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:
14  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
15  And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.
16  For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
17  For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.

In verse 13 we see that the blood of bulls and goats was not wasted. The blood of bulls and goats was necessary as the means of atoning for sin. The ashes of the red heifer were important for cleansing any person defiled by a dead body.
We notice here that these important things were beneficial for the purifying of the flesh. There is a need for outer purification. However, that outer purification is only possible due to the inner purification. The blood of bulls and goats could not do that. Those who by faith brought their sacrifices, trusted in the promises of God that He would provide the way for inner purification as well.
In verse 14 we see how the Lord Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the typology of the Old Testament system. His blood would purge the conscience of the recipient from dead works to serve the living God. It is not possible to serve God when sin is corrupting the conscience. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse the conscience. We see again that Jesus Christ was without sin before God, and thus He is able to purge our conscience of dead works. We see here that trying to work to gain God’s favour is called dead works by God. It is unacceptable to Him. Trying to keep the ten commandments or trying to be charitable in order to gain God’s favour is dead works.
We see also that Jesus offered His blood before His Father. Jesus did not pay off the devil to get him to release the souls of lost people. Jesus Christ did not pay a ransom to the devil. He satisfied the righteous and holy demands of His Heavenly Father. God knew that His Son was without sin. He knew no man is without sin. He knew the promise of Genesis 3:15 required a sinless seed of the woman. That seed was the Lord Jesus Christ.
In verse 15 we see that Jesus Christ is the perfect mediator of the new testament. The new testament is a reference to the new covenant. Jesus’ death was required to make this possible. His blood needed to be shed on the cross of Calvary. Redemption would only be possible through His shed blood. The word translated as “redemption” speaks of “deliverance”. We need to be delivered from the curse and bondage of sin. That deliverance is not something we can achieve for ourselves. It is not something that could be achieved by the blood of bulls and goats. It can only be received by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We see as well that those who placed their trust in God’s promise through the Old Testament, were granted eternal life because the Lord Jesus Christ is the mediator of the new testament. If Jesus Christ had not come, it would not have mattered how much faith people had in the blood of bulls and goats. That could never satisfy the righteous demands of a Holy God. Jesus Christ needed to come and He did come at just the right moment. His blood was effective in providing eternal life for all those in the Old Testament times who trusted in God’s promises. His blood is also effective in providing eternal life for all those in the New Testament times who place their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Salvation and eternal life are only possible through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In verse 16 God compared this event to the opening of a will. The testator is the one who owns the will. Until the testator dies, what he owns belongs to him. Jesus Christ needed to die in order for His blood to be shed and sprinkled upon those who would turn to God in repentance and be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The important fact is that Jesus Christ did not remain dead. When a person dies, whoever is written to receive his goods, becomes the new rightful owner of those things. The dead person does not come back to make sure his goods are used as he would prefer. He loses all ownership and all authority over his goods. Jesus Christ went to the cross. He shed His blood on that cross. He died on that cross. He was buried. However, He rose from the dead the third day and He thus His blood can save the lost sinner. His blood does not lose value because some wanted to misuse it. There are many false religions that claim to be built upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who distort God’s truth do not have access to the blood of Jesus Christ. They are offering something that is worthless.
In verse 17 we see again the importance of the death of the testator. The testator must relinquish ownership of that which is in question. Jesus shed His blood and He presented His blood before His Father in heaven. His Father approved of that shed blood as the means by which you and I can be forgiven and saved. There is no salvation apart from accepting God’s gift of eternal life.
Jesus Christ could not have simply slit His wrist and spilt some blood into a basin and remained alive. He needed to shed His blood and die.
The salvation that God promised to man could only come into effect with the shedding of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was necessary for Him to die for that promise to come into effect. It was also necessary that He rise again from the dead to make that promise secure. Jesus demonstrated His power and authority in laying down His life but also in taking it up again. He is the mediator of the new testament. He shed His blood and He rose from the dead and as we read in Matthew 28:18, all power was given unto Him in heaven and in earth. He has the authority to make good on the promise of eternal life. That is a great blessing that we need. God alone can provide that for us. The only way this promise can be received is by faith in the true God. All people need this gift of eternal life. However, only those who turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation have eternal life. Most today are without this gift. All are born without this gift. Only those who turn to God and trust in His promise can be saved. It is foolish to reject this offer of God and yet most today are content to do that.
It is interesting to note how many have taken the shots that the government has deceitfully mandated upon them. They have taken those shots even though they are still experimental. The companies that made those shots have not released their data and they do not want to release their data. They know there are problems with the shots. Yet many people have blindly taken the shots. Yet those same people refuse to turn to God in repentance and receive His salvation. There are no hidden secrets associated with God’s gift of eternal life. There are no harmful side effects from receiving that gift. God promises and provides many blessings to those who will turn to Him in repentance and be saved. The promises and blessings are eternal. God is offering those blessings to all who are lost today. If you are reading this, but still lost, why not turn to God today and ask Him to save you through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will never be sorry. If you refuse to receive God’s gift, you will be sorry for all eternity. God is not forcing anyone to receive His gift. He makes it abundantly clear that there is no eternal life outside of receiving His gift. Turn to God today and be saved!
Pastor Bartel

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