The LORD’s Defences Are Perfect

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The LORD’s Defences Are Perfect

The LORD’s Defences Are Perfect

Zechariah 9:14  And the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord GOD shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.
15  The LORD of hosts shall defend them; and they shall devour, and subdue with sling stones; and they shall drink, and make a noise as through wine; and they shall be filled like bowls, and as the corners of the altar.
16  And the LORD their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.
17  For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! corn shall make the young men cheerful, and new wine the maids.

I am thankful for the opportunity we have of reaching into several different countries with our devotionals and our preaching. I am not that tech savvy, but I am thankful for others who can help us to be able to proclaim God’s Word. Over the past couple of days, our church website was down. This morning it is back up and running. We also have the use of SermonAudio to post our devotionals and our sermons. This gives those who are interested another option for viewing our material. I do not pretend to believe that I am indispensable or that I have greater insight than all others. I do believe that there is an increasing amount of compromise taking place with regard to God’s Word. It is interesting how many people take license with the Word of God and they even insist that their tampering with the text should be honoured and accepted.
Our ministry is designed to glorify the God of Creation. We are thankful for God’s enabling in this effort. He is the Judge and we want to be careful to handle His Word carefully and truthfully.
Zechariah was a man of God who had a desire to honour God in his ministry. He was one of the 40 holy men that God chose to give us His Word. It is just as important for those of us who teach God’s Word to honour God’s Word as it was for those 40 men who wrote it down for us. I am not in the same class as Zechariah or any of the other 39 men, however, the Scripture does command us to be holy even as God is holy. Thus it behooves all born again Christians to humbly submit to God’s authority and faithfully proclaim His Word with a proper fear of God in our hearts.
In today’s text God continued to direct Zechariah to write about a future time. That time is the Millennium. Judah and Israel as a whole will be protected by the LORD at that time. There will be no Hamas or Hezbollah or double tongued people like the U.S. and Canadian govt. to try to diminish Israel’s place. Israel will be blessed because they will have humbled themselves and submitted to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be obvious to all that are present at that time, that the LORD is over Israel. His arrow will be like lightning. The accuracy of His arrow will be without comparison.
Israel is having phenomenal success in its fight against Hamas and Hezbollah at this time. In fact her success is so great that the U.S. has joined the fools in calling for a ceasefire. The world is observing that Israel is able to advance against its enemies with a precision that is not common. Israel is also being careful not to kill innocent civilians. War is a violent event. Death is one of the sad effects of war.
Israel is not a God-fearing nation at present. However, it is rather obvious that God is guiding them in this defence against her enemies. God is giving Israel another opportunity to see God’s mighty hand at work. There is a dreadful time coming yet where Israel will be subjected to persecution such as they have never known before. God is merciful, but He is also just.
Zechariah was speaking of the fact that Israel could know God’s blessing at his time and they could also know His blessings now. Yet, we see that Israel is a very stubborn nation. God warns them and us of this in several places in the Old Testament. He also showed us in the time of the Lord Jesus Christ and also during the time of the apostles. This is still true today.
God tells us to bless Israel. We can learn from His Word what that means. It does not mean to glorify her sins. It means we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which can only be known as Jews turn to the Prince of Peace as their Saviour and King.
We know that the Jews alive at the beginning of the Millennium will know the Lord Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and their Saviour and King. He will blow the trumpet and He will go with whirlwinds of the south.
In verse 15 we see further that the LORD of hosts shall defend them. Israel will be victorious in a way that they have never been before. The Old Testament records some moments of great victory for Israel. During the time of King David, the nations around Israel came to understand that it was pointless for them to try to fight against Israel. They could not win. God directed David to use some unconventional means to win battles. David listened to God and the result was that Israel enjoyed peace from foreign invasion. This peace did not last long. King Solomon inherited a nation at peace. He disregarded that peace and chose to invite trouble into his life and kingdom. By the end of his forty year reign, Israel was facing foreign and domestic enemies and was about to be divided by God due to his sins.
When the Lord Jesus Christ rules in Jerusalem, Israel will know a peace and glory that they have never had before. The nations will know that the LORD is in charge.
In verses 16-17, the LORD continued to speak of the blessing that awaits Israel when they will finally turn to Him. As we have noted before, God does not throw His pearls to the swine. The lost receive some blessings from the LORD. However, it is those who are humble saints that receive the intimate blessings of the LORD. These blessings are a foretaste of what is awaiting the true child of God in heaven.
The LORD declared that Israel shall be as stones of a crown. In I Chronicles 20:2 we read of a crown that David took from the king of Rabbah, a city of the Ammonites. That crown was much richer than the one he currently had. He took that crown and he claimed it for himself.
The LORD told Zechariah to remind the Jews that one day they would be as stones in a crown. They would be exalted and they would be admired for their greatness. Of course that greatness would be due to their submission to the true God.
In verse 17 the LORD’s dealings with Israel will be cause for praising Him. The Bible teaches us that those who are truly saved understand they have nothing in themselves to glory of. The apostle Paul was given a thorn in the flesh to deal with. God told him he needed that thorn to keep him humble. God knew that Paul would become worthless to Him if he would become proud. God cannot use proud people. His servants need to be humble. A humble servant of the LORD will exalt Him. He is worthy. He is the Saviour and King. People need to know Him, not us.
As we began this devotional talking of our ministry, we realize that God deserves the glory for all that He enables us to do. He opens the doors for us to reach into many nations. He works in the hearts of those who find us. He directs them to our site. The only way we can be a blessing is when we exalt the true God.
Zechariah was directed to close this chapter with the exaltation that is due the LORD. That is what we need to do as well. The LORD is worthy of praise and glory. Again, for those who read these devotionals, but are not saved, humble yourself today and get saved. Stop fighting against the God Who will judge you in the end. Turn to Him now and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. Then grow in the LORD and show others the blessing that He provides for those who submit to Him. Rather than all the vain things the world has to offer, receive that genuine blessing that only the LORD can give.
Pastor Bartel

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