Genesis 41:28 This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh.
29 Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt:
30 And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land;
31 And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following; for it shall be very grievous.
Over the past few days we have witnessed a massive storm hitting certain parts of North America. This storm has been described by some as the storm of the century. Some said that this storm is the worst since 1977. Who knows if it is the worst since some previous date. it has also been called a “weather bomb”. We know from the news reports that this was quite the storm. It will take some time to dig out of it and to recover from it. A number of people have died as a result of this storm.
The propaganda machines have been busy and suggesting that we will likely see more storms like this due to the “climate change” that is affecting the world. The spiritual blindness of humanity leads to many foolish ideas. The important truth to note is that man’s involvement in climate change is that the rebellion of man is countered by the mercy and grace of God. God uses the climates of the world to draw attention to Himself.
In our text, God gave a pagan king, called Pharaoh, two dreams. Pharaoh and his magicians could not explain these dreams. The dreams were of such a nature that they shook up Pharaoh. Joseph was brought out of prison in the hope that he could interpret the dreams for Pharaoh. God put him into this situation to help Pharaoh and the Egyptians stop and consider that there is only one true God Whom they needed to know. The account of this famine that God would bring was designed by God to wake up a pagan nation. However, it was not just the Egyptians who would be affected by this upcoming famine. Jacob’s family would need to travel to Egypt to get food. Other people would also need to travel to Egypt to get food. All those who came, would meet with Joseph. Joseph had others under his authority, but he was in charge of the food gathering and distribution.
God is merciful. He wants people to know Him. He never does anything in a vacuum. He has a purpose in all that He does, and He wants people to understand His purpose. He wants people to turn to Him and trust in Him for all things.
I was sent a link regarding an interview that took place with Mr. Netanyahu. He will soon be sworn in as the next P.M. of Israel. He spoke of his vision and his plans. He spoke as a blind man. He never acknowledged God as the One Who was working in the land of Israel. He credited the success of Israel to the ingenuity and hard work of the people. He talked of how he changed the nation and moved it away from a government dependent society to a capitalist society where people worked to better themselves. This man does not realize that if God’s hand was not upon Israel, they would not be able to prosper in that land. Spiritually, the nation is blind. One day they will see and they will acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King.
In our text, God gave Joseph the understanding needed to show Pharaoh that there would be seven good years. During those seven good years, it was necessary not to squander the blessings that God was giving them. They needed to gather the excess crops in preparation for the seven years of famine that would come. It would require a wise and honest man to make the proper use of this seven years of prosperity.
We have seen men like Bill Gates who have made large sums of money. We have seen men like him use that money to buy up farm land and to try to take control of people with different drugs. He pretends to be a man who cares about people and who claims to give large sums of money to help poor countries. However, those who pay attention to what is going on, know that Bill Gates has done everything to improve his financial position as well as his influence over world governments. He is a greedy man as most men are.
God raised up Joseph to be different. Joseph was a man who lived by the fear of God. He proved that as a young man at home. He obeyed his father and served him faithfully. His brothers hated him because they saw how he was blessed. They could have been blessed as well, but they did not want to walk in the way that provides for blessings.
Joseph also proved his fear of God in his attitude to being a slave in Potiphar’s house. Even when falsely accused, he remained faithful to God and was able to have a testimony in prison. Eventually God raised him to second in command in Egypt. The things that happened to Joseph should never have brought him to that place. His brothers never expected to meet him in his place of power in Egypt. They were forewarned of that through two dreams that God gave Joseph earlier in his life. Joseph’s brothers hated him for those dreams. They dismissed them but they hated him for thinking he could rise to such a place of prominence that they would bow before him.
God showed Pharaoh and the Egyptians as well as Jacob’s family, that He is in charge. Pharaoh needed to know this. Jacob and his sons also needed to know this. God chose Abraham to be the father of a great nation. The only way that Israel could be a great nation is if they would live under the authority of the true God Who chose them. Israel is not enjoying the blessings that God has in store for them because they have rejected Him. Mr. Netanyahu, the soon to be Prime Minister of Israel again, does not recognize God’s hand in making the land of Israel and the people of Israel a unique nation.
Back to our text, God gave Pharaoh a dream to warn him of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh needed to know that God was in charge. He foretold what was coming and he discovered that God did exactly what He said He would do. Had Pharaoh been wise, he would have submitted to God’s authority and he would have put his trust in the true God as his God.
Jacob’s sons also needed to understand that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was the only true God and He was in charge. Rather than fight against Him, they would have been wise to submit to Him as well. Even after the death of Jacob, they came to Joseph seeking a humanistic solution to a spiritual problem.
I believe that the weather conditions we are facing now are an opportunity for God-fearing people to remind others that the same God who knew and planned this prosperity and famine is still in charge today. Egypt was not Israel. God worked through a Gentile nation to preserve the fledgling nation of Israel.
This same God is working in different ways across the world to get people’s attention. It is not mother nature that is angry with humanity now. It is not man’s use of fossil fuels and the raising of cows that is causing changes in the climate. It is the God of Creation Who wants to give mankind another opportunity to turn to Him and trust in Him for their own personal peace and safety.
According to secular terms, weather is what we see on a daily basis. Climate is what takes place over a longer period of time, generally a period of 30 years or more. Man assumes he has the ability to project 30 or more years into the future. He is a fool in assuming that. He can look back and notice that the climate has not changed as he supposed it would. However, the pride of man does not allow him to admit he is wrong. It does not allow him to turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and direction.
Joseph was a man who could have been angry and depressed. He could have complained and found fault. Yet, he chose to serve God and exalt Him in all situations.
As we look at this latest storm or any other situation, God’s people need to be bold and faithful to Him and remind people that He is in charge. God could keep these storms away from us. He could make life very pleasant for our flesh. He knows better than we do that we do not appreciate the truly good things in life. We take them for granted. We know that even with all the blessings that God has given us, most people never turn to God and glorify Him. When things do not go well for man, some will stop and take another look at what is happening and Who is in charge. A few will get saved!
God does not want people to perish. There have been a number of people who have died in this storm. God would rather have people humble themselves and turn to Him in repentance and be saved. His salvation is the answer for all. This world will not survive. The goal of man should be heaven. Heaven is only accessible to those who turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. While we are on this earth, we are here to serve God. We are not here to build little empires for ourselves. We are here to glorify God. That has to be our purpose. Everything we do has to be to exalt God. Most people have no interest in God. Those few who are saved are privileged to glorify God and help a few others to turn from their wicked ways and to begin to live under the blessings of the only true God.
Let us, who are saved, be bold and strong in the Lord. Let us seek to help others to see God’s almighty hand at work in our present day. The Bible declares that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of the living God. It is far better to surrender into the hand of the living God. No one will get around or away from God. Better to submit to Him now and serve Him and enjoy His blessings.
Pastor Bartel