Wednesday, November 6, 2024

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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

I Corinthians 12:19  And if they were all one member, where were the body?
20  But now are they many members, yet but one body.
21  And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
22  Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
23  And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
24  For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
25  That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
26  And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
27  Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
28  And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
29  Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
30  Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
31  But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

Well, we have learned that there is a change of leadership in the U.S. as of last night. The media has suggested that it was the votes of people that won Mr. Trump the presidency. Prior to yesterday, we know there was already cheating taking place among those who cast their ballots early. I know those who look at things Biblically are few, but we know that there is no such a thing as an honest election.
The Bible tells us that there is One King. That King is the Creator of heaven and earth. He, God, rules over the earth. He puts kings in power and He removes kings from power.
Mr. Trump was given his first opportunity to lead the U.S. 8 years ago. He was a wicked man then and he is still a wicked man now. God used Mr. Trump to slow down the one world government system. We do not know yet what the next 4 years will bring.
It has been interesting to observe how many people can only see what is happening on this earth. The left wing God-haters, are in a state of mourning over what has transpired in the U.S. There are many right wing God-haters as well who are quite ecstatic over what has taken place. The hope of so many is in a man, a system. The hope of the few is in God. He is in charge. He is still working all things according to His eternal plan. That plan is the redemption of souls and the destruction of the wicked. This world is not our home. We are here for a few short years.
Our children need to know where to look for hope. The world of today has been drastically changed in my short 72 years. The opportunities that I had as a young person are not there for my children and grandchildren. However, the greatest opportunity that was afforded to me is still available to my children and grandchildren. The opportunity to know the true God and to serve Him is still there. It is a choice that God showed me was necessary when I was 20. Since then it has been quite a journey to get me to where I am today. Obviously God is not finished with me yet. By His grace, I intend to serve Him faithfully until He calls me home. I do not know what lies ahead for me yet on this earth, but I know I can face each day with a hope that is real and worthwhile. I invite each reader to be sure you have your hope planted firmly in that which is real and true. Know the true God and serve Him.
In our text God continued to direct the apostle Paul to address the need to understand how a true church must function. He used the human body to help to see the importance of a true church and how a true church is assembled.
In the human realm, we would not expect the human body to be all eye, or foot or tooth, etc. We are not wise enough to know how to design a good human body, but God knew how to do it. He made Adam and Eve very good. Sin corrupted everything that God had made.
In verse 20 we are again reminded that even though there are many members in a body, it is one body. The intricacies of the human body are a wonder to behold.

Psalm 139:14  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

In verse 21 we are reminded that the parts of the human body cannot be in a fight for superiority. Every part of the body has an important function. The evolutionists have assumed that we do not need certain parts anymore. Some years back I was involved in a major mishap. My leg was badly broken. I was put out for the doctors to be able to work on it. The next day, the doctor came in and told me what they had done. There are two bones in the lower leg. Both of mine were broken. The doctor stated that they set the larger bone but left the smaller one broken. I asked him why they did that. He said we do not really need that smaller bone. I told him that God made me with two bones in the leg and they were both important.
In verse 22-25 Paul continued to speak of the human body. Those parts that seem to be more feeble, have an important part to perform in the body. Those members that are not pleasant to look upon still have an important function. Looks do not determine importance. God makes it clear that while certain parts of the body may not look very nice, they are needful for the body to be able to function properly.
God did not want any conflict within the body. If a person gets an organ transplant, they are on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life. Even then, those organs do not generally last that long. God made the human body in a wonderful way and each body has organs that are designed for that person. Even though all humans have similar organs, they are not readily interchangeable. God designed it that way.
It is important to remember that we will all die some day. We need to be prepared for that time. It is true that man is having some success with some organ transplants. God allows that limited success to happen. I believe that when our organs fail that we need to accept that and be prepared to meet the Lord. Heaven is a much better place any way. If God says my time is up, there is no point in fighting against Him.
When the different body parts are healthy, the entire body is healthy. When one member is not functioning properly, it will affect the whole body. God knew what He was doing when He created man. In spite of the fall, people can still live and get old. Some function much better than others, but we still live for a number of years.
In verse 27, Paul turned the conversation back to the local church. The saints are part of the body of Christ.
In verse 28 we see that God has determined how the local church is to be set up. The apostles were necessary in the first century. They were directed to be involved in the expansion of churches. They also wrote the New Testament Scriptures as directed by God. The Scriptures are complete and there is no further need for apostles.
The prophets were also important in proclaiming God’s Word. They were given the ability to speak of things that were going to happen yet. Many of them spoke of things that have not come to pass yet now. However, they will come to pass one day.
There are no prophets that are foretelling the future today. There are frauds who claim to be able to tell the future. If a person makes a broad enough statement it is possible to get something right. A Bible prophet needed to be right all the time.
Teachers are important in helping us to understand God’s Word properly. We need instructors to rightly divide the Word of Truth. There are far more false teachers than there are true teachers. The flesh likes to hear things that agree with it. The true saint appreciates the truth. He or she may not always want to hear it, but they will appreciate it and they will not try to avoid it. Lost people will push away from the truth and seek out those who will agree with their faulty perspective.
Paul also spoke of sign gifts. As we have already noted, the sign gifts were important and they had their time. God can still do miracles. He still does miracles. Personally, I believe every time a person is truly saved, that is a miracle of God. It is something that only God can do. It is also very powerful. It is life changing. The heart is changed and the mind is also changed. The saved person sees the world much more differently than he previously did. God’s salvation is not a temporary change. It is an eternal change. After salvation, the saved person is required to grow in the Lord and He will work in the heart of His child for that purpose.
There are those who are called to help in the ministry. The apostle Paul had Barnabas along to help him for a time. They chose to accept John Mark as a trainee, but he was not ready to submit himself fully to God. He ran home when the trouble became intense. However he learned and later became a great help to the apostle Paul. Silas was also a helper for Paul as were others.
As we see in verse 30, there was a need for tongues at that time. As we have noted earlier, tongues was always a human language. The Bible makes it clear that the sign gifts were to convince the unbelieving Jews of the truth. There are many Gentiles who are also sign seekers. The Charismatic movement is a precursor of the time of the antichrist. The Bible tells us that he will do “lying signs and wonders”. Many people get caught up in feelings and feelings take precedence over truth, for them.
In verse 31 we are told to covet earnestly the best gifts. Paul was directed to go into that in the following chapter. Rather than corrupt the work of the Holy Spirit, the Charismatics and others would be wise to seek the best gifts, rather than trying to manufacture something that does not come from God, nor does it have His blessing on it.
We need the Truth. God knows that and He has given us His Word. Let us believe His Word and glorify Him.
Pastor Bartel

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