The Importance of Loving God

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The Importance of Loving God

The Importance of Loving God

I Corinthians 2:6  Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
7  But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
8  Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9  But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10  But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

The apostle Paul again reminds us that he was speaking to saints. The word “perfect” used in verse 6 is not speaking of being without sin. It is speaking of being complete. The completeness of the saint is found in Christ. Paul has already made that clear in the opening verses of this letter. As we have already seen and will see further, this completeness is only there when the saint walks in humility and obedience with Christ. The church in Corinth had some serious problems. They will be challenged to correct those problems. The good news is that they listened to God’s Word. That is a mark of a true child of God.
Every true child of God needs to grow. When we are corrected, we need to be willing to receive that and change in accordance with God’s Word. Paul made it clear that it would be understood that the wisdom he spoke was not the wisdom of this world. That wisdom is nothing in comparison to God’s wisdom. Worldly wisdom will not get anyone very far. However, the wisdom of God is essential and will benefit the recipient for all eternity. Paul was directed to make it clear that even the elite of the world will come to nought. There is a day of death for each person. The thoughts and words of the world might outlive them for a time, but others will come along and discover some other things that might contradict what some other person has declared. Certainly when man’s ideas are placed beside God’s truth, there will be a vast difference.
In verse 7 Paul was directed to give further detail of the wisdom of God. God is much wiser than man. There are things about God that we cannot know. However, we can trust Him explicitly based on the things He has shown us about Himself.
The world sees most of what God says and does as a mystery. Charles Darwin wasted years and much resources developing his evil ideas of how things came about and how things were observed. He rejected what God had already declared. He was influenced by ungodly family members. That did not give him a reason for rejecting God. Each person has the opportunity to consider the truth for themselves. There are people today who are still looking at the world with an evolutionary mindset. Many doctors are trained in evolution and they look at the human body as a mystery and they develop bad theories on how to address certain problems within humanity. God is gracious to mankind and we are also helped many times by ungodly doctors who are limited in their foolishness by a merciful and gracious God.
God’s wisdom is an everlasting wisdom. His wisdom is not developing. He has always been all wise. He created the world due to His wisdom. We benefit from His wisdom. If we were to try to design a world, it would be a disaster. We see so much evidence of that all around us.
In verse 8 we see that none of the world’s princes could possibly know the truth. They did not pursue It. They were satisfied to pursue ungodly ideas. In particular, Paul is addressing the Jewish leaders at the time of Christ. We see that in this verse. The chief priests and the Pharisees and others led the people in the cry: “crucify Him, crucify Him.” If they would have humbled themselves and accepted the truth, they would never have been guilty of that sin.
In verse 9 Paul was directed to refer to Isaiah 64:4

Isaiah 64:4  For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

Both Isaiah and Paul wrote under the inspiration of God. Both of them spoke of things they had learned. They were in awe of the great God Who had called them and directed them in their time. They knew there was more to come than what they had seen.
In verse 10 we are reminded that God reveals His truth by His Spirit. That is why the ungodly continue to run around chasing their “tails”. They refuse to accept the truth and thus they run in circles and never get to the truth. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. He will guide the saint into all Truth. He helps the saint to know when he is hearing truth and when he is hearing lies. The Holy Spirit, being the third person of the Godhead, knows all things. He will show the true saint when there is a problem with what he or she is believing or what someone is trying to tell them. The saved person is commanded to read God’s Word daily and to meditate on It. Thus, as we go through our day and someone comes up with a foolish idea, the Holy Spirit can show us that what we are hearing is not right.
I recall when the Wuhan virus debacle was first announced. I am not a doctor, nor a scientist. As I listened to the announcements being made, things just did not add up. I believe that God was showing me that there was something wrong with what the media was saying. He was also showing me that many doctors and politicians were wrong. I am glad that I was willing to listen to verses like:

Psalm 27:14  Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

It is important to learn to wait on the LORD. As more details came out, it became quite clear that this whole affair was orchestrated by wicked people who were doing a human experiment. It became very clear that this was a test run for the time of the antichrist. Those conducting this event likely had no idea that this is what they were doing, but they knew they were looking for a way to control people. Scaring people with death will bring many lost people into a state of panic. It was interesting to see how many people were willing to yield to the lies being fed to us. Those were challenging times. Those who are saved, needed to be reminded to walk carefully and steadily. We needed to trust in the Lord and understand that following Him even when things do not seem very clear, is the right thing to do.
Sadly the lost are still stuck in the rut of the lies. Many people are still being governed by panic and fear. They are still willing to wear masks even when they are driving in their car all by themselves. The media is again warning of the possibility of being infected with “covid” this fall and winter. Then of course there are other scare tactics being used as well. The government keeps warning of the catastrophic effects of “man-made climate change.” People are still jumping on that bandwagon and hanging on for dear life. The brainwashing of the evolutionists has been very effective in keeping people in the dark.
Of greater significance is the lie of works salvation. Many people have a false version of salvation. They are stuck there and not open to the truth. Those who are saved can be thankful that God worked in our hearts and we yielded to His working. We need to be willing to help others to know the truth in these last days. God’s Word is very clear regarding salvation. Faith in Christ is not just a superficial knowledge of His name. Faith in Jesus Christ is a life changing event. It is a blessing to know the true God and to live for Him.
Paul reminded us here that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s truth to those who are saved. We can know the truth. There are many “spin doctors” who twist the truth. Peter was directed to warn us of this fact. We do not need to be deceived by these people. We need to take God’s Word seriously and believe what God has declared. That is the safeguard for those who are saved. God’s Word must take precedence to what any person has to say. Blind loyalty to man is never wise. Loyalty to God is never blind. God has revealed Who He is in a very clear way. He has no interest in leading us astray. He is holy and just and there is no deception in Him. He created man to glorify Him and He has provided us with His Word. He has preserved His Word and we need to submit to His Word if we are saved. Throw away the perversions and stick with the Word of God.
Pastor Bartel

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