Walking In The Fear Of The Lord

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Walking In The Fear Of The Lord

Walking In The Fear Of The Lord

Hebrews 13:5  Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
6  So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
7  Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
8  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
9  Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

The Greek word translated as “conversation” in verse 5 has to do with our manner of living. We do not use the word “conversation” in that way today, but that is an older definition of the word. Covetousness is the love and lust of things we cannot have. The true child of God should not be lusting after things. We need to work for what we need and if God blesses us with wealth, we need to use that for His glory.
God is not a communist and He would never support the “great reset” that is being proposed by our governments. The idea of taking money from the “wealthy” and giving it to the poor is not a Biblical teaching. Poor people sometimes need monetary help. More often than not they need to learn how to work and live within their means. Those that are blessed with wealth need to first of all be saved so that they know how to handle the material gains they have.

I Timothy 6:6  But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Those who are saved need to learn to be content with what we have. We work for what we have, and we do not need to join the rat race. We do not need to try to keep up with the Jones’s. Giving is something that God works in the heart of His child. There are many lost people who give but they do it for self-gratification. True saints give as motivated by the love of God.
The promise of God is that He will never leave His children, nor forsake them. This is in reference to God’s promise in Deuteronomy 31:6. God is faithful. He can and does keep His promises. Those who are saved are secure in Him. This promise is of far greater value than the empty promises of our politicians.
In verse 6 we are reminded that we, those who are saved, need to boldly say: “the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” This is in God’s Word. Yet the majority of the world went into a panic state just over three years ago.
We need to proclaim our trust and dependence upon God to all people. Our world is in denial of God. The Canadian government believes that they are gods. They pass wicked laws that are designed to hurt people and they do not want to be questioned on what they are doing. They want blind obedience.
Those who are saved have no need to fear wicked governments. Yes, they can cause great harm. They can kill people without any consequences. However, those who are saved have the promise of eternal life. All that the wicked governments can do is destroy the body. They cannot touch the soul. The key is to be saved. We see the wickedness of Satan and his followers in the Bible. We are shown just how evil man can be. God will eventually stop this, but in the meantime, He is giving people the opportunity to choose to believe in Him. That is the same thing He did with Adam and Eve. He wanted them to believe in Him without coercion. Adam failed to obey God. Since the fall of man, we are all born sinners. We are all born sinners, but most people insist on remaining lost sinners even though God has given us a conscience with which we can see the evil we are involved in. We can turn to God, but most are not interested.
In verse 7 God reminds us that there are people appointed by God to rule over us. The governments have their place. It is evangelists, pastors and teachers in our time that are to be speaking the truth to their people. The apostles and prophets are the Scriptures. Evangelists are what we often call “missionaries”. Pastors and teachers are to be in local true churches and they are to be God’s mouthpiece to help true saints grow in the Lord. Evangelists, pastors, teachers should not be out to win popularity contests. The truth is not well received. It never has been. However, truth is necessary.
As we see in verse 7 and later in verse 13, the context of these rulers is within the local church. Those who are chosen to rule over others are chosen by God. We are told who those people are. It is those who have spoken the word of God. That certainly does not apply to our politicians. It does apply to godly evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The ruling is not absent of the truth. It is not done in a vacuum. It is God’s Word that does the ruling. The person is just the mouthpiece that God has chosen to tell the listener the truth. Ruling does not mean dictatorship. Our government is dictatorial and yet many people are willing to support that. They are evil. Yet people will fight against those who have the love of God in them and are seeking to help you to know the truth.
We are reminded to examine those who rule over us. We need to consider the end of their conversation. We need to be sure we are not following hypocrites. We need discernment in order to choose the right people to follow. We need to be able to see where the ruler is leading us. Lost people do not have that ability. Saved people have the ability to discern truth from error. The sad thing is that there are too many saved people who are asleep. It is time to wake up.
In verse 8 we are reminded that Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, is the same yesterday, and to day and for ever. Jesus Christ will never change. His salvation is the same in all ages. His blessing for the saved is the same as well. Every born again Christian can have the peace of God in their heart today and every day. If we, those who are saved, are lacking in this peace, it is our fault, not God’s. His peace is available. We need to know Him and walk with Him.
In verse 9 we are warned not to be carried about with divers and strange doctrines. We have talked often about the importance of the King James Bible. Too many people think this is an unnecessary statement. If we do not have the truth, we have nothing. God does not want us to be guessing our way through life. He wants us to walk with confidence. We cannot have confidence if we do not have the truth. The fact is that we have the truth. We can have right doctrine.

II Timothy 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

As the writer states in verse 9, it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace. “Established” means to be settled and firm. We need to be established in grace. Grace is not the lie that God turns a blind eye to sin. It is the fact that first of all we are saved by grace and after that it is the grace of God that provides the help that we need in order to walk faithfully with God.
Our establishing will not happen with meats. Physical food cannot prepare us for the evil in our world. We need true churches. We need true pastors who can help us to know the truth. Physical meat cannot profit us in that which is really important. God is not telling us to starve ourselves. In the first century, there was hunger. Persecution was real. Godly people were being deprived of good food. Yet they were strong in the Lord.
The Catholic religion was developed to fight against the truth. They gained the power to kill those who opposed them. They still do that today. Islam is an arm of Catholicism and it too is out to kill those who oppose them. Material meat cannot protect us from the evils around us. Being strong in the Lord is the only way to be able to stand in the midst of the lies being promoted in our time and in any time.
That strength is available to those who are born again. Those who are born again need to be fed the truth. They need to be in a true church. If you think you can stand on your own you will discover that does not work. God designed the local church to be a place where true fellowship can take place. It is important to be in a true church. You do not need a social club. You need that place where you can be provoked to love and good works.
God is good and He will provide that place for His child. Humble yourself and follow Him.
Pastor Bartel

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